My Favourite Dressings for Ingrowing Toenails


IGTNIGTNFind out about permanent nail correction here


There are a whole host of different dressings, lotions and potions out there for your body, that it can be quite overwhelming to choose. Here is a list of my favourite dressings and what I use them for:


If you have a swollen, red, inflamed, oozing, painful etc toe, then please make sure you see a podiatrist or GP as it will likely be infected and you may well need antibiotics. If you start to have cold or flu symptoms then call 111 for instant advice. 

This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra charge to you), I only link to products I love to recommend. This helps fund my love of chocolate, thank you for feeding my buzz.

It’s important with ingrowing toenails to help the wound dry out. The word DRY is extremely important to assist healing, and dressings that promote breathing whilst keeping the wound covered are very important.

For ease of application I recommend getting dressings that are already made up. In the past I would have used melolin style dressings with a mefix tape to hold in place. But luckily now, they have pre-made this useful mix:


MeporeMeporeFind it here

Find it HERE


Its better to buy in bulk, as you can often get through quite a few with an angry toe, and also they a very useful addition to your first aid kit.

To help keep your dressing in place, I also recommend a tubular gauze bandage to stop it from moving around and peeling off.

TubiguazeTubiguazeFind it here

Find it HERE

To help hold the gauze in place, a mefix style tape is best for feet, it bends and flexes nicely to the shape of the toe, much nicer than using micropore!

MefixMefixFind it here

Find it HERE

If your toe is infected, I also recommend using iodine to help clear the infection

InadineInadineFind it here

Find it HERE

Combine these dressings with regular salt water soaks, and providing the nail is no longer ingrowing and the infection has cleared, this should help your toe heal up nicely.

If once a wound is healed, but a little tender, I love to use Opsite spray for peace of mind.

OpsiteOpsiteFind it Here

Find it HERE

Also to help keep your dressings dry whilst bathing, if you are finding it hard to keep your foot out of the bath, (if you have reduced mobility I discourage you from trying this). Also if you only have a shower and the use of house hold bags isn't working and feeling unsafe. There are bags made specifically for helping to keep your dressing dry, and they are reusable, so much more eco-friendly.

Shower SealShower SealFind it here

Find it HERE


This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra charge to you), I only link to products I love to recommend. This helps fund my love of chocolate, thank you for feeding my buzz.